The Good Boss

1h 56min
October 15, 2021
"The Good Boss" takes place in and around the Blancos Básculas factory, where all things must be in balance at all times. After all, they manufacture scales of all shapes and sizes. There, the seemingly benevolent boss, Bardem's Blanco, is preparing his workforce for an upcoming inspection by a group visiting local businesses to select one for a prestigious prize. Tensions begin to mount, however, when recently fired employee Jose shows up with his two children and begins making demands for the reinstatement of his employment. When Blanco's management team refuses, the employee begins a one man crusade to discredit Blanco and prevent him from winning the much-coveted award.
More Information
  • Release Date
    October 15, 2021
  • Languages
  • Runtime
    1 hour 56 minutes

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